Is ThinkAsia free to use?
Yes, ThinkAsia is entirely free to use and accessible to anyone, anywhere, on any type of device.
How do individuals or organizations register with ThinkAsia?
Individuals can register as users to browse tailored content based on themes and regions of interest, enabling them to discover the latest events and knowledge products. Organizations can register to upload and manage their content and events on ThinkAsia, while also gaining access to the wealth of knowledge available on the site. Click here to register.
How do registered partners upload their content, such as research papers and event notifications?
There are two ways to share content on ThinkAsia: the first is through XML/RSS feeds, which allow automatic syncing of content from the partner organization's website; the second is through manual uploading. The latter requires an individual from the partner organization to perform the task, while the former only requires the feeds to be integrated into the ThinkAsia system.
Do the knowledge products and events posted on ThinkAsia have to be exclusive to ThinkAsia?
Content on ThinkAsia is not exclusive. ThinkAsia is a hub for ideas, a place where organizations can show and share their latest papers, research or alert others to upcoming events.
What is the content moderation policy?
Content will be moderated to ensure that no offensive or abusive language is used. Please see ThinkAsia’s terms of use for more information.
Can registered partners post in a language other than English?
No, currently, ThinkAsia only supports English as its main language.
Do registered partners have to follow a style guide?
Registered users must ensure any content submitted is of a publishable quality. ThinkAsia will not edit submissions. Taipei,China should be used, in line with ADB’s style guide. More information on terms of use for registered users can be found here: Terms of Use.
Can organizations or individuals promote ThinkAsia?
Anyone can promote and link to ThinkAsia from their website or through their social media accounts. ADBI is administering the platform, but it is a place for all those interested in economic development policy. It is hoped that all those who visit will feel a sense of shared ownership and encourage others to join.
Is ThinkAsia only about Asia?
ThinkAsia has its roots in Asia and the Pacific, but it is global in scope. Ideas or discussions that originate in one country or region can be relevant or useful for others, no matter where they are. ThinkAsia brings ideas from Asia and the Pacific’s knowledge community to the rest of the world, while also hosting original ideas from a diversity of organizations from other regions.